Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Undergraduate research opportunity with Arka Majumdar

2D Material Enabled Nanophotonic Devices:
Job Description:
A student hired under this position will work closely with graduate students and postdoctoral fellows on optoelectronic devices from nanophotonic resonators and a new class of materials that are a single atom thick – 2D materials. The art of finding 2D materials is difficult and time consuming, but the rewards are great as these materials have unique properties that allow for nanowatt L.E.D.s, broadband absorption, amongst many other unique features. Students working under this position will be an active member of building new and exciting optoelectronic devices including .

  • 10+ hours a week in lab.
  • Attend group meetings.

  • Completion of at least two quarters of introductory STEM coursework.
  • G.P.A. 3.5+