Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Composition and Writing Courses and Support Resources for MLL/International Students

In Spring 2014, the Expository Writing Program will offer five sections of composition courses specifically designed for MLL (multilingual) students.  Students will find the instructor's names linked in the time schedule, and must contact the instructor for an add code.  Instructors are also identified below.  All "MLL" sections of EWP courses are taught by experienced composition teachers who also have expertise in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages).  Quarterly surveys confirm that students are overwhelming positive in their assessment of the impact of these courses on their writing process, their understanding of “the logic of Western academic writing,” their ability to understand and use resources to become effective self-editors, and their confidence not only in reading and writing, but in participating in class and in talking with their teachers.

MLL Sections for Spring 2014 include:
English 121C: service-learning composition, Norah Fahim (nfahim@u)
English 131I: expository writing, Dan Zhu (danz2@u)
English 131S: expository writing, Wesley Matlock (wmatlock@u)
English 131W: expository writing, Bonnie Vidrine (bonniv@u)
English 281C: intermediate expository writing, Yasmine Romero (yromer@u)

Our experience offering effective composition and writing support courses for multilingual students has not only provided effective multilingual learning communities, but has also led to the evolution of all of our English Department composition courses, and our training and support for our teachers.  In addition to the "MLL" (multilingual language learner) sections of English 121, 131 and 281,  note that all Expository Writing Program and Interdisciplinary Writing Program composition courses are welcoming and supportive of multilingual students.    Students who have completed their "C" requirement may continue taking IWP "writing links" to fulfill their "W" requirement.

Students in any EWP or IWP composition course may also be interested in signing up for the optional "MLL Studios" which provide additional English language support.  "MLL Studios" in Spring 2014, General Studies 391 I and J, will be taught by Julie Dykema; time schedule information will be updated to reflect this corrected information soon.