Tuesday, October 8, 2013

ABSAxSASE Major Night:

Host: Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers & Asian Business Student Association
(The event is NOT exclusive to Asians. We promote diversity on campus. Everyone is welcome.)

Goal: Freshmen and sophomores come to learn about the school, each department, registration systems, and registration tips. Provide guidance and advice to the attendees on choosing majors.

How to help:
1. Bring any material that you want to talk about your major with (old tests, lecture notes, and event posters).
2. Share everything about your major with attendees who are interested in the major, what you like & hate, major’s atmosphere, courses to take, what you are learning, are professors nice, internship…etc.
3. Contact information exchange is also welcome.

The event will take place on the 11/06/2013 at 6:00PM and will look like:
1. A brief opening and introduction about the event, clubs, and what we are going to cover in the event.
2. Overview of the school, departments, majors, registration system, tools, and tips, such as DARS, 5:55am not 6:00am, course evaluation, schedule finder…etc.
3. Have the attendees to choose upperclassman or graduate student to talk to based on their interest (each table has one upperclassman, 3-5 attendees per table per time, 10-15 minutes rotate, rotate 3-5 times in total).
4. More questions?
5. Closing (Approx. 2~3hours)

If you are interested, please contact Josh Kao by email jk61516@uw.edu.